Volume 6 Issue 4
Dec.  2023
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MEI Ding'e. Former Left-Wing Writers under Colonial Rule: Guding and Yamada Seizaburo[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2023, 6(4): 127-143. doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20236409
Citation: MEI Ding'e. Former Left-Wing Writers under Colonial Rule: Guding and Yamada Seizaburo[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2023, 6(4): 127-143. doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20236409

Former Left-Wing Writers under Colonial Rule: Guding and Yamada Seizaburo

doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20236409
  • Received Date: 2023-05-05
  • Accepted Date: 2023-07-21
  • Guding, a former member of the Northern Branch of the Chinese Left League, translated Japanese literary works, including novels centered on the theme of proletarian internationalism. Confronted with the active promotion of a colonial construct of an imagined community by Japanese colonialists, Guding resisted colonial symbolic violence, defending the subjectivity of being “Chinese.” He rejected the concept of colonial literature, steadfastly focused on portraying the darker facets of society and aspects of resistance, criticized war reportage within Japanese literary circles, and opposed Japanese readers' expectations of novelty-seeking. He valued international solidarity with former Japanese leftists and upheld the subjectivity of Chinese culture. On a separate front, Yamada Seizaburo, who had been released on parole, came to “Manchuria” in search of a “new life.” Along his way from the Manchurian Pioneer Group to “Xinjing,” he could not shake off the psychological shadows of “thought turning,” nor could he get rid of the fate of being tracked and “observed” as a thought criminal. Nevertheless, he befriended “Manchu” writers like Guding and received encouragement from them. In return, Yamada Seizaburo not only empathetically understood the literature and situation of the “Manchu” writers but also openly criticized the Japanese in newspapers. That being said, Yamada also expressed praise and hope for “national unity,” which poses ambiguity as to whether this notion stemmed from the spirit of internationalism or criticism of colonial invasion. Regrettably, Yamada Seizaburo would soon assume the chairmanship of the art association under the wartime regime. He participated in wartime art promotion and organizational activities with Guding, seemingly having forgotten their initial intentions and tacit agreement. While Guding had to make compromises, he also endeavored to safeguard Chinese culture. In 1944, Guding upheld the colonial slogan “Refining Thoughts,” urging young people to redefine technology and prepare for the technical management of Northeast China after war. Beyond resistance, evasion, and cooperation, Guding's activities made possible a fourth possibility in the face of colonial rule.
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