Volume 7 Issue 3
Sep.  2024
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KIBA Takatoshi. A Visual History of Japan—Taking Illustrated Chronicles as an Example[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2024, 7(3): 105-117.
Citation: KIBA Takatoshi. A Visual History of Japan—Taking Illustrated Chronicles as an Example[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2024, 7(3): 105-117.

A Visual History of Japan—Taking Illustrated Chronicles as an Example

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  • Author Bio:

    KIBA Takatoshi,PhD in History,Associate Professor at the Kyoto University of Advanced Science. Mainly engaged in the research on Japanese cultural history in modern times.

  • Received Date: 2024-04-03
  • Accepted Date: 2024-07-03
  • A considerable number of chronicles were handed down from ancient times,ranging from Rikkokushi which was edited as a state undertaking to historical books composed in private. As of the Edo period, such chronicles had been published and sold as commodities,and illustrations were added so as to satisfy the readers’ needs. “Illustrated chronicles” that present historical events through pictures tend to visualize the past and make history more graphic. Shinpoyamatonendaikoukieshou (The Waseda University Library Collection),Shoudoku 3 (1713) Nendaikishineshou (Amendments) and Shinpoyamatonendaikoukieshou(The Ritsumeikan University Library Collection) are all illustrated chronicles, and the contents recorded therein include political events, the underlying causes of the events in question,disasters, auspices and uncanny omens etc. There are also legends and tales passed down from long ago. In these illustrated chronicles, one may also find records and illustrations about Chinese historical stories such as the Wu-Yue rivalry for hegemony. A few blank pages are intentionally left at the end of these books. This was done to allow readers to jot down what happened annually thereafter, which reminded readers that they were also part of history, thus encouraging readers to participate in the compilation of history.
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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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