JIANG Linjing. A Novel that Transcends the Reality: An Interpretation that Goes Astray from the Novel[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2018, 1(3): 420-430.
Citation: JIANG Linjing. A Novel that Transcends the Reality: An Interpretation that Goes Astray from the Novel[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2018, 1(3): 420-430.

A Novel that Transcends the Reality: An Interpretation that Goes Astray from the Novel

  • Received Date: 2018-03-21
  • Rev Recd Date: 2018-04-08
  • Carl Schmitt is definitely one of the most controversial jurists in the 20th century as well as one of the most charismatic figures in the history of political thoughts. As a jurist, he remained absorbed in world literature, elaborated his thoughts through literature and even alluded some important ideas which might be awkward in academic context. By analyzing the battle between the whale and the whalemen in Moby Dick in his monograph Land und Meer (1942), Schmitt sublimated the geographic conflict between "land" and "sea" into the more fundamental existential antagonism, an eternal antagonism between Christ and Anti-Christ. Furthermore, we may find through his correspondence during the 40s that he strongly recommended Merville's novella Benito Cereno to his friends, especially his interpretation of this novel's symbolism. In the figure of Captain Cereno, Schmitt found the reflection of the very few European elites in the dilemmatic situation of his time, which might also refer to his own image during the Nazi-era. Literature has become a way of defamiliarization, which enabled him to make self-interpretation and even self-justification in a hidden way. His interpretation of Benito Cereno showed us the great symbolic power of this work, whose story originates from the real history but finally transcends the reality. However, his interpretation also contained crucial problem that goes astray from the real intention of the author.
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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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