Volume 2 Issue 4
Mar.  2021
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ZHENG Guohe. China after Japan’s “Dawn to the West”: Modern Japanese Literature through the Eyes of a Chinese Scholar[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2019, 2(4): 633-657.
Citation: ZHENG Guohe. China after Japan’s “Dawn to the West”: Modern Japanese Literature through the Eyes of a Chinese Scholar[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2019, 2(4): 633-657.

China after Japan’s “Dawn to the West”: Modern Japanese Literature through the Eyes of a Chinese Scholar

  • Received Date: 2019-03-20
  • Publish Date: 2021-03-09
  • It may be argued that every reader of foreign literature is a comparatist. In his effort to interpret a foreign writer or identify the dynamics and characteristics of a foreign tradition, he cannot but proceed through the lens of his own cultural background. The title of Donald Keene’s Dawn to the West: Japanese Literature of the Modern Era, for example, not only pronounces a central theme of the volume by the most prominent scholar of Japanese studies in the West, but also testifies to the fact that it is modern Japanese literature viewed by a“blue-eyed Tarōkaja.” This article approaches modern Japanese literature from a different perspective—through the eyes of a Chinese scholar—by considering three subjects: Kajin no kigū, a Meiji political novel by Shiba Shirō, Sekibetsu, a wartime novel by Dazai Osamu, and short stories by Shiga Naoya. Widely different from each other otherwise, these works share a common trait: they are all related to“China” in a broad sense. In examining them together, I intend to challenge some views of modern Japanese literature commonly accepted in the West.1
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