Featured Scholar
LI Sher-shiueh received his Ph. D. in comparative literature from the University of Chicago. He is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy,“Academia Sinica,” with adjunct appointments in the “Graduate Institute” of Translation and Interpretation, Taiwan Normal University, and Graduate Institute of Intercultural Studies,Fu Jen Catholic University. Li also won the Hong Kong based Stephen C. Soong Translation Studies Memorial Awards in 2010 and 2012. He has published many books in Chinese, including Late Ming China and European Literature;Transwriting: Translated Literature and Late Ming Jesuits; Ming-Qing Western Learnings: Six Studies; and The Literary World of Joseph de Prémare. In addition to his Chinese works in this field, Li’s most recent publication is an English book entitled Jesuit Chreia in Late Ming China: Two Studies with an Annotated Translation of Alfonso Vagnone’s Illustrations of the Grand Dao (2014; co-authored with Thierry Meynard).
李奭学,芝加哥大学比较文学博士,现任台湾“中研院”文哲所研究员,台湾师范大学翻译研究所合聘教授,辅仁大学跨文化研究所合聘讲座教授,《国际比较文学(中英文)》期刊编委。曾获该院2003年年轻学者研究著作奖,2011年及2012年香港宋淇翻译研究论文纪念奖。著有《中国晚明与欧洲文学》《首译之功:明末耶稣会翻译文学论》《明清西学六论》《马若瑟的文学世界》,以及《误入桃花源——书话东西文学》《细说英语词源》《三看白先勇》《古今圣经残稿》(合编)等书籍;英文合著有Jesuit Chreia in Late Ming China: Two Studies with an Annotated Translation of Alfonso Vagnone’s Illustrations of the Grand Dao。