Volume 4 Issue 1
Mar.  2021
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DAI Wurihan, ZHOU Yue. Gunsangnorbu Narrated: Research on the New and Old Editions of Mongolian Local Produce and Its Contemporary Significance[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2021, 4(1): 89-104. doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20214106
Citation: DAI Wurihan, ZHOU Yue. Gunsangnorbu Narrated: Research on the New and Old Editions of Mongolian Local Produce and Its Contemporary Significance[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2021, 4(1): 89-104. doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20214106

Gunsangnorbu Narrated: Research on the New and Old Editions of Mongolian Local Produce and Its Contemporary Significance

doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20214106
  • Received Date: 2020-09-17
  • Rev Recd Date: 2021-01-02
  • Kawahara Misako was an important figure who initiated the education of women in modern Inner Mongolia and also performed secret missions for the Japanese military during the Russo-Japanese War. Her Mongolian Local Produce, published in 1909, was mainly based on her two years of experience in Harqin, Inner Mongolia(December 1903-January 1906), and was reprinted twice in Japan(1944, 1969). This book not only has important historical material value,but also great literary character. It is a very unique and complex text, due to Misako's narration of Gunsangnorbu. Gunsangnorbu was a famous politician and reformer in the modern history of Inner Mongolia. The author's description of Gunsangnorbu deviates from reality, which is not only a reflection of the difference of the two people's goals, but also an effect of the complex environment of the times. Through the analysis of the new and old editions of Mongolian Local Produce and the analysis of other historical materials, this article aims to not only restore the real Gunsangnorbu, but also reveal the writing intention of Kawahara Misako. This can help view Japan's China policy and the development and changes of modern SinoJapanese relations from another perspective.
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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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