Material Evidence Priority: Quadruple Evidence Method and the “Jade-Making China Trilogy”
摘要: 作为中国比较文学跨学科研究杰出代表的文学人类学一派,在最近十年来设计并完成的三大科研攻关项目,简单概括为“玉成中国三部曲”,其中包括《中华文明探源的神话学研究》(2015)、《玉石神话信仰与华夏精神》(2019)和《玄玉时代——五千年中国的新求证》(2020)。伴随着2005年文学人类学派首次提出的跨学科研究方法论范式——四重证据法,迄今已经总结出以第四重证据为主的探索方向和研究策略,即“物证优先”原则。这就使得当今的中国文史哲研究者终于有条件走出文献知识的千年瓶颈束缚,真正践行“五千年中国”乃至“万年中国”的认知目标。本文通过梳理“玉成中国三部曲”成果在2015年以来陆续问世的过程,说明文学人类学派的新方法论之操作原理:将传世文献资料作为一重证据,将甲骨文金文等新出土文字材料作为二重证据,将口传文化、仪式展演等人类学研究特色资源作为三重证据,将考古发掘的遗址、文物和图像等作为第四重证据。基于四重证据法的立体性研究经验,在2010年提出“文化大传统”的全新理念,特指无文字时代的文化传统。而探索无文字的文化传统的问题意识,自觉地引领研究者走出文献本位的传统研究窠臼,将文字书写传统视为后起的小传统,并将深度阐释文学与文化的目标加以理论化,即从文字文本研究朝向“文化文本”构拟的整体认识的创新之路。Abstract: The school of literary anthropology, an outstanding representative of interdisciplinary research in Chinese comparative literature, has designed and completed three major scientific research projects in the past ten years, which are simply summarized as the "Jade-Making China Trilogy," comprising "Mythological Research on the Origin of Chinese Civilization" (2015), "Jade Myth Belief and Huaxia Spirit" (2019) and "Xuanyu Era:Five Thousand Years of China's New Verification" (2020). The quadruple evidence method, the first interdisciplinary research methodology paradigm proposed by the literary anthropology school in 2005, summarizes the exploration direction and research strategy so far-that is, the principle of "material evidence first." This means that domestic scholars of literature, history, and philosophy finally have the conditions to get rid of the millennium bottleneck of literary knowledge, and truly implement the cognitive goals of "five thousand years of China" and even "ten thousand years of China." This article demonstrates the operation of the new methodology of the literary anthropology school by combing and reviewing the process of the "Jade-Making China Trilogy," successively published since 2015:employing the handed-down literary materials as primary evidence, and the newly unearthed textual sources such as Oracle Bone and Bronze Inscriptions as secondary evidence, oral culture, ritual performance, and other anthropological special research resources as the third evidence, and archaeological excavated sites, cultural relics, and images as the fourth evidence. Based on the three-dimensional research experience of the quadruple evidence method, the school proposed the new concept of the "Big Tradition" in 2010, especially referring to the cultural tradition in the era of no text. The project of exploring the problem of the cultural tradition without words leads researchers to jump out of the traditional literature-based research formula, regard the writing tradition as a minor tradition, and theorize the goal of in-depth interpretation of literature and culture, which is the innovative road from the research of written text to the overall understanding constructed by "cultural texts."
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