Nietzsche's Revaluation of the “Homeric Question”—How “Philosophy has become what Philology was”
摘要: 如同在中国古典研究领域,在西方古典学领域里也存在着"考证"与"义理"的交互关系问题,并具体表现为古典语文学与哲学之间的张力。这一张力被青年时期的尼采推向了极致,本文便以尼采论述的"荷马问题"为例证,将这一问题置于18世纪末古典语文学在德国的兴起以及贯穿19世纪德国古典学的两大潮流——"人文主义"与"历史主义"——的思想史脉络来理解,呈现其中内含的古典语文学与哲学之间的本质性争执,试图阐明"古典语文学"从何种"义理动机"与"价值判断"证得"荷马之道"为"古典主义",而尼采如何对"荷马问题"进行重估,运用从"古典语文学"转化而来的"哲学"将"荷马之道"推向"前古典世界"(一个涌动着原初的创造力和毁灭力的希腊精神的母腹),从而为20世纪的早期希腊研究开辟了全新的方向。Abstract: Ever since the foundation of modern "classical scholarship" in late 18th century Germany, there has been a tension between classical philology and philosophy, and this tension was increased by the young philologist Friedrich Nietzsche to an alarming degree, which still compels us to re-think the relationship between the two. Nietzsche's revaluation of the "Homeric Question" is a typical case to show the limits of both "historicism" and "humanism," and how the tension between classical philology and philosophy is inherent in their different approaches to the "Homeric Question." Going behind the "philosophical motives" and the "value judgments" of both "historicism" and "humanism," Nietzsche discovers a vibrant and creative pre-Homeric world, and demonstrates the process by which the spirit of "destructive conflict" is transformed into that of "constructive contest" in Homer. Nietzsche's revaluation of the "Homeric Question" can therefore be seen as a prime example to resolve the tension between classical philology and philosophy.
Key words:
- “Homeric Question” /
- Nietzsche /
- Classical Philology /
- Humanism /
- Historicism
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