Imagology: The Feats and Reflections (2014-2018)
摘要: 异域形象研究是中国比较文学学术热点之一。形象作为研究对象的同时,形象学还可以作为一种观照其他研究对象的方法视角,这类研究共享着同一个学术旨趣,即紧扣形象本身的意指实践何为并为何。就形象学展开的理论反思和学术对话,是近年来又一重要收获。形象学的观念与方法近年没能得到切实推进,根本原因不在于"西方"理论的借用,而在于问题意识不清晰,缺乏从形象研究去回应时代命题能力。Abstract: Currently, the study of images of exotic locales is one of the hottest topics in Chinese comparative literature. Not just focused on specific images, imagology is also concerned with theorizing the study of objects in general, by inquiring into the signifying practices of images and why they develop. Recent accomplishments in the field include theoretical reflection and dialogue. While the field is perhaps not progressing as quickly as others, this should not be attributed to the (mis)appropriation of western theories, but rather the difficulty of responding to the topics of the age.
Key words:
- Imagology /
- signifying practice /
- western theories /
- problematic awareness
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