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安乐哲(1947—) 为夏威夷大学哲学系荣休教授,北京大学人文讲席教授,美国博古睿研究所研究员,曾任《东西方哲学》主编(1987—2016) 以及《国际中国书评》(1992—2016 )的创刊主编。安乐哲教授的著述(包括其对中国古代典籍的译著)大多已有中译本,最近他在主持编著《布莱克维尔中国古代哲学文献选编》丛书的最新系列,同时也撰写学术文章,以促进美国实用主义和儒家思想之间的对话。
Roger T. Ames (1947— ) is Humanities Chair Professor at Peking University, a Berggruen Fellow, and Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Hawaii. He is former editor of Philosophy East & West and founding editor of China Review International. Almost all of his publications are now available in Chinese translation, including his philosophical translations of Chinese canonical texts. He has most recently been engaged in compiling the new Blackwelll Sourcebook in Classical Chinese Philosophy, and in writing articles promoting a conversation between American pragmatism and Confucianism.