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杨慧林,中国人民大学大华讲席教授,主要从事比较文学和宗教学领域的研究,曾任中国比较文学学会会长,现任国际比较文学学会副会长。中文著作有《在文学与神学的边界》(2012)、《神学诠释学》(2018 增订版)、《意义》(2018 修订版)、《西方文论概览》(2021 修订版)等,主要英文著作有Christianity in China:The Work of Yang Huilin(2004)以及 China,Christianity and Questions of Culture(2014)等。他主编的《基督教文化学刊》自1999年起每年出版两辑,自2006年起成为ESCI收录期刊。耶鲁大学Chloë Starr的《中国神学:文本和语境》一书,有专章“杨慧林:关于意义的学术追寻”介绍其研究工作。
YANG Huilin is Dahua Chair Professor of Comparative Literature and Religious Studies at Renmin University of China. As a past president of the China Comparative Literature Association,he is currently a Vice-President of the International Comparative Literature Association. His books in Chinese include At the Boundary of Literature and Theology(2012),A Study of Theological Hermeneutics(expanded 2nd ed.,2018),Searching for the Meaning(revised ed.,2018),and An Introduction to Western Literary Theory(new revised ed.,2021). Collections of his essays in English include Christianity in China:The Work of Yang Huilin(M.E. Sharpe Ltd.,2004)and China,Christianity and Questions of Culture(Baylor University Press,2014). He is also the chief editor of the Journal for the Study of Christian Culture,published since 1999 and listed in ESCI since 2006. Besides book reviews,some introductions about his works can be found in English publications,such as Chloë Starr,“Yang Huilin:An Academic Search for Meaning”(Chloë Starr,Chinese Theology:Text and Context,Yale University Press,2016,pp.240–62).