Why Modern Chinese Poetry? Challenges and Opportunities
摘要: 本文大体分为三部分,为笔者在2019年8月举行的中文与比较文学协会双年会上的主旨发言。在文章的第一部分中,笔者对现代汉诗在英语国家的研究状况—尤其是在北美与欧洲—进行了系统的历史回顾。文章的第二部分主要聚焦中国从古代到20世纪间的结构剧变。笔者认为,中国社会与文化所经历的翻天覆地的变化令现代诗歌面临着前所未有的挑战,其中包括诗歌角色与功能的重新定位、传统美学标准的延宕,以及诗歌读者群重建的迫切性与必要性。从另一层面来讲,现代汉诗所面临的历史挑战与美学挑战也为整个学者群体提供了机遇。本文的第三部分即剖析了现代汉诗在中国现代史中所扮演的先锋角色。Abstract: This essay, based on the keynote address at the biennial conference of the Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature in August 2019, is divided into three parts. Part One is an overview of the development of modern Chinese poetry as an academic field in the English-speaking world, mainly North America and Europe. Part Two delves into the dramatic structural changes in China from the pre-modern period to the twentieth century. As a result of the “seismic changes” in society and culture, modern poetry has encountered unprecedented challenges in terms of the role and function of poetry, the persistence of the traditional aesthetic paradigm, and the need to establish a new readership. On the other hand, the historical and aesthetic challenges also present opportunities for scholars. Part Three suggests such opportunities, such as modern poetry's role as a cultural vanguard throughout modern Chinese history.
Key words:
- classical poetry /
- modern poetry /
- marginalization /
- fetishization /
- cultural vanguard
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