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饶芃子(1935 — ),暨南大学中文系教授,博士生导师。曾任暨南大学副校长、中国比较文学学会副会长、《思想文综》主编。现为中国世界华文文学学会名誉会长、世界华文文学联盟副会长。著有《中西比较文艺学》等学术著作16部,主编教程及学术丛书多种。饶芃子教授将比较文学的世界视野和比较方法引入文艺学学科,在国内文艺学博士点首创“比较文艺学”方向, 率先提出开拓海外华文文学的诗学研究,把世界性的汉语诗学引入比较文学领域。2015年获中国比较文学学会授予“中国比较文学终身成就奖”。
Rao Pengzi (1935 — ) is a professor at the Chinese Department of Jinan University (JNU) and the former Vice President of JNU. She is also the previous Vice President of the Chinese Comparative Literature Association (CCLA) and editor-in-chief of Ideology and Literature. She is currently Honorary President of the China World Association for Chinese Literatures and Vice President of the World Chinese Literature Alliance. She has published more than 16 works including Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Literary Theories. She is also chief editor of multiple collections of works. She was the first in China to build the research domain of “Comparative Studies of Literary Theories” into a doctoral program. She pioneered in exploring poetics of overseas Chinese literature, putting it in the framework of comparative literature studies. In 2015, CCLA awarded Professor Rao Pengzi the Lifetime Academic Achievement Award in recognition of her monumental and pioneering contribution to Comparative Literature in China.